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Manufactured, Modular: What’s the difference?

Today’s manufactured homes meet Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, which are enforced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). They are home to about 22 million people living in the U.S.

Manufactured homes: They shouldn’t be confused with a modular home. Manufactured homes are constructed on a chassis. Modular homes are required to meet the same building requirements as homes constructed on site.

Modular homes: A key difference between modular and manufactured homes is that modular homes tend to hold their value better. It’s also easier to obtain a conventional mortgage for a modular home.

If you are considering buying a manufactured or modular home, traditional mortgage loans are available, but financing options may differ from traditional home lending for manufactured housing. Knowing available loan options before looking for a home can help you decide what choice is right for you.

Got questions?  Give us a call!  One of our mortgage specialists would be happy to answer all of your questions and get you started with a great low rate today!

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  • Pacific Trust Mortgage offers some of the most competitive rates in the Nation!
  • Fast and efficient, we close most of our loans in 30 days or less.
  • We offer a variety of loans. Pacific Trust Mortgage will find you the loan that is right for you!!!

**Pacific Trust Mortgage is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of FHA, VA, USDA or the Federal Government.